
Turkey Scholarship Online Application 2024-2025 | Turkey Government Scholarship


Turkey Government Scholarship (Turkiye Burslari Scholarship) 2024 online application process is available for undergrad, master, doctoral degree candidates as well as it is also available for Turkish short course scholarship program candidates. Turkiye Burslari scholarship 2024 is now open for online applications from January 10, 2024, to February 20, 2024.

Once you make sure that you have all the required documents completed and available for Online Turkey Scholarship Application then move on and begin your online application for Turkey Government Scholarship 2024-2025.

There is no application fee to apply for the Turkey Government Scholarship.

Important!: Cliquez ici pour vous abonner au groupe VIP afin d’être les premiers à recevoir les informations sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

All you need to do is to make sure that you are an eligible candidate to apply for a scholarship program and also make sure that you have all the documents completed and available for the online Turkish Scholarship Application submission.

Turkey Government Scholarships Eligibility Criteria:

Some of the countries that are allowed for the Turkey Scholarship Program are Germany, Iceland, the United States, UAE, Pakistan, etc. There are other countries as well in the list from where the candidates can only apply for the postgraduate program. The eligibility criteria for the Turkey Government Scholarship are listed below:

  • The age of the candidate is one of the strict criteria that is taken into consideration.
  • If you want to apply for an undergraduate degree then you should not be born before January 1998.
  • If you want to apply for a Master’s degree then you should not be born before January 1989.
  • Likewise, for Ph.D. one should not be born before January 1983 and for the Research Program, it is January 1974.
  • For the application of an undergraduate degree, 70% of the marks are mandatory.
  • For the application of the Masters and PH.D. degrees, 75% of the marks are mandatory.
  • Medical School Programs require 90% of the marks.
  • If you are a citizen of Turkey or used to be its citizen previously then you cannot apply for the program.
  • Students studying in Turkey are not capable of Scholarships.
  • Selected students should show their documents when asked.

List of Documents for Turkey Government Scholarship:

Candidates for Turkey Scholarship are requested to complete all the below-listed documents at the time of the online application. It is the responsibility of the candidates to insert authentic candidature data into the system at the time of the online Turkey Scholarship Application.

Important!: Cliquez ici pour vous abonner au groupe VIP afin d’être les premiers à recevoir les informations sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

  • Diploma or degree certificate with Grades
  • Associate degree or diploma
  • High School Certificate
  • Middle School Certificate
  • TOEFL or IELTS and GAT, GMAT GRE (Optional)
  • Recommendation letters
  • Letter of intent
  • Resume
  • Statement of purpose
  • A research proposal by doctoral degree candidates
  • School, High School or University Exam Grades sheet (Latest one)
  • Work Experience Certifications (Optional)
  • Social participation and extracurricular certifications (Optional)

In the next step, candidates will see all the open Turkish Scholarship positions under their ‘Home Page’ screen under the tabs High School, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Ph.D. and Research. Upon clicking any of these tabs, you will see a notification that prompts you as not a suitable candidate for any of these scholarships.

It is because the candidate has not filled in the Personal Information, Family information, Contact information, Education information, Language details, Work experience, Academic Qualifications, Social Activities, and Turkiye Experience sections of the profile.

Once the candidate filled in the information under the above-mentioned sections, then it can be seen in the ‘Home Page’, that the candidate is now considered eligible for the scholarship and now it is the time to submit your profile data as an application for Turkey Scholarship.

Important!: Cliquez ici pour vous abonner au groupe VIP afin d’être les premiers à recevoir les informations sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

All the applications for Turkey Burslari Scholarships are evaluated by committee members and in the first phase, the candidates are shortlisted for an interview followed by confirming the selection. Later, the Turkey Student VISA documents, University Admission letter, and Scholarship Award letters are dispatched to the successful candidates.

How the selection procedure proceeds for Turkey Scholarship?

The academic background and the interview results are behind the selection for the scholarship. The academic performance of the applicant will be assessed by checking the following attached documents:

  • Diploma Grade
  • The Last Term’s General Average Grades
  • University Entrance Exam Grade (if any)
  • High School Graduation Exam / Baccalaureate Grade (if any)
  • International Test Score (if any)
  • Any other academic certificates or (*) cumulative GPA

The perquisites for the Turkey Scholarship Online Application are:

Important!: Cliquez ici pour vous abonner au groupe VIP afin d’être les premiers à recevoir les informations sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

  • For Undergraduate degree applications 70%
  • For Master’s degree and Ph.D. Degree applications 75%
  • For Medical School applications 90%

The applicants will get a call for an interview on the basis of educational grades. The interview will be held in Turkish Consulates and where these are absent technology will be used. The results will be visible on the application system and will also be Emailed.

The online applications for Turkey Burslari Scholarships are accepted now accepted until February 20, 2024.

Notice: Cliquez ici pour rejoindre notre groupe Télégram afin d’être les premiers à être informé sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

Ne perdez plus votre temps sur internet à chercher des informations sur les concours lancés, les anciens sujets ou épreuves des concours et des examens officiels d'Afrique et d'ailleurs. Notre équipe d’experts est désormais là pour vous aider et a déjà fait le travail pour vous.

Dans notre plateforme, vous trouverez les derniers sujets des examens nationaux (G.C.E, CAP, BEPC, PROBATOIRE, BAC, BTS, LICENCE, MASTER, DOCTORAT) et internationaux ainsi que les anciennes épreuves de concours d’entrée dans des grandes écoles au Cameroun, en Côte d’ivoire, au Gabon, au Senegal et dans le monde: ENS, EAMAU , ENAM, ENIEG, IRIC, IFORD, IDE, MINSANTE, ENSET, ESSEC, IUT, FGI, FASA, FMSB, ESSTIC, EGEM, ENSP, ENSPT, UCAC, ENIET, POLICE, MINE ET PONT , FMSP, IIA, FSMB, EAMAC, CAFOP, INFAS, FASTEF

Pour les étudiants internationaux, télécharger toute notre collection des épreuves sur notre site : BAC BURKINA FASO, BEPC BURKINA FASO, BAC MALI, DEF MALI, BAC GABON, BEPC GABON, BAC TOGO, BEPC TOGO, BAC BENIN, BEPC BENIN, BAC NIGER, BEPC NIGER, BAC SENEGAL, BFEM SENEGAL.

Important!: Cliquez ici pour vous abonner au groupe VIP afin d’être les premiers à recevoir les informations sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

Vous trouverez aussi sur notre plateforme des informations utiles et gratuites sur LES BOURSES D’ETUDES disponibles dans le monde ainsi que les informations sur les GRANDES ECOLES DE FORMATION en Afrique et dans le monde.

Les informations gratuites que nous mettons à votre disposition sont vérifiées et certifiées par une équipe experte diplomés de Licence, Master, Doctorat et des Enseignants

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EspaceTutos - Avec plus de 5 000 000 d'impressions par mois, espacetutos s’inscrit comme l’un des acteurs principaux dans le paysage des médias academiques en Afrique francophone. Pour vous renseigner sur une campagne budgétisée, merci de nous contacter à l’adresse suivante: [email protected] ou par tétéphone au numéro +237 6 79 77 51 39. Soyez les premiers à être informé.

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