
LSHTM Fund Scholarships 2024-2025 for Students from Developing Countries

This scholarship is open to applicants intending to study on a one-year, full-time, London-based MSc programme at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) in 2024-2025.

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LSHTM Fund Scholarships 2024-2025 for Students from Developing Countries

Application Deadline: 28th February 2024.

Eligible Countries: Developing Countries

Important!: Cliquez ici pour vous abonner au groupe VIP afin d’être les premiers à recevoir les informations sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

To be Taken at (Country): UK

About the Award: This scholarship has been made possible by donors to the LSHTM Fund. Supported by hundreds of alumni and friends, the LSHTM Fund provides scholarships for the next generation of global health leaders. This year’s scholarship is intended to support an excellent candidate who would be unable to take up a place of study without this financial support.

Field(s) of Study: The eligible MSc programmes of study, for the purpose of this award, are the 16 London-based MSc programmes offered by, and administered by, LSHTM. This scholarship is not available for our distance learning programmes or for our joint programmes with KCL (MSc Global Mental Health) or RVC (MSc One Health; MSc Veterinary Epidemiology).

Important!: Cliquez ici pour vous abonner au groupe VIP afin d’être les premiers à recevoir les informations sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

Type: Masters

Eligibility: This scholarship is open to applicants intending to study on a one-year, full-time, London-based MSc programme at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) in 2024-21.

To be eligible for these scholarships, applicants must meet all of the following criteria:

Important!: Cliquez ici pour vous abonner au groupe VIP afin d’être les premiers à recevoir les informations sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

  • be nationals of, and resident in, low to middle income countries (as defined by the World Bank);
  • intend to return to a low to middle income country on completion of their MSc year at LSHTM;
  • confirm in writing that they would not otherwise be able to pay for the proposed programme of study;
  • meet LSHTM’s minimum English language requirements (as required by LSHTM’s Admissions system);
  • a first or upper second-class honours undergraduate degree of a UK university, or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard;
  • hold an offer of admission for 2024-22 for one of LSHTM’s 19 London-based (face-to-face) MSc programmes of study.

Selection Criteria: The selection panel awarding this highly competitive scholarship will consider applicants’ experience and qualifications and potential, looking for those with the greatest potential to accelerate in their career and make significant contributions to public and global health, and/or health-related research (following a year’s study at LSHTM).

Number of Awards: 1

Value of Award: The scholarship award comprises

2024-22 tuition fees (at the overseas fee rate), including any mandatory field trip fees, and
a tax-free stipend (living allowance) of GBP 17,400.00.

Important!: Cliquez ici pour vous abonner au groupe VIP afin d’être les premiers à recevoir les informations sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

Duration of Award: 1 year

How to Apply:
Applicants should complete both steps below by the scholarship deadline.
Step 1
Submit an application for 2020-21 for an eligible MSc programme of study, as per instructions under the ‘How to Apply’ tab on the relevant programme of study page. Applicants should ensure that all necessary supplementary admissions documents (including references) are submitted via LSHTM’s Admissions Portal by the scholarship deadline.

Please note that if you are applying for admission to LSHTM and are accepted, you will be asked to pay a deposit within 28 days. If you are applying for a scholarship at LSHTM, please email the Admissions Team within this 28 day period, specifying the name of this scholarship and the expected decision date. This must be repeated for every scholarship for which you are applying. The admissions team will then apply an extension to the deposit deadline to match the decision deadline of the scholarship.
Step 2

Important!: Cliquez ici pour vous abonner au groupe VIP afin d’être les premiers à recevoir les informations sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

Submit an online scholarships application, selecting this scholarship option ‘2020-21 LSHTM Fund Scholarship’ from the drop-down menu. A completed Supplementary Questions Form for this scholarship must be uploaded as part of this application. This is the only attachment required in Step 2 (as applicants should have already submitted references, transcripts, and a CV as part of their application for study).

If you have any queries about the application process, scholarship requirements or application deadline, please contact our Scholarships team.

If you encounter any technical difficulties whilst using the online scholarships application form, in the first instance please try clearing your browser cache and ensure that you are using the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Safari. If this does not fix your technical issue, please contact LSHTM’s IT Services team, providing your full name; the scholarship that you are applying for; and the technical issue that you have encountered. Please also attach a screen shot where possible.

Important!: Cliquez ici pour vous abonner au groupe VIP afin d’être les premiers à recevoir les informations sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

Visit Award Webpage for Details

Notice: Cliquez ici pour rejoindre notre groupe Télégram afin d’être les premiers à être informé sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

Ne perdez plus votre temps sur internet à chercher des informations sur les concours lancés, les anciens sujets ou épreuves des concours et des examens officiels d'Afrique et d'ailleurs. Notre équipe d’experts est désormais là pour vous aider et a déjà fait le travail pour vous.

Important!: Cliquez ici pour vous abonner au groupe VIP afin d’être les premiers à recevoir les informations sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

Dans notre plateforme, vous trouverez les derniers sujets des examens nationaux (G.C.E, CAP, BEPC, PROBATOIRE, BAC, BTS, LICENCE, MASTER, DOCTORAT) et internationaux ainsi que les anciennes épreuves de concours d’entrée dans des grandes écoles au Cameroun, en Côte d’ivoire, au Gabon, au Senegal et dans le monde: ENS, EAMAU , ENAM, ENIEG, IRIC, IFORD, IDE, MINSANTE, ENSET, ESSEC, IUT, FGI, FASA, FMSB, ESSTIC, EGEM, ENSP, ENSPT, UCAC, ENIET, POLICE, MINE ET PONT , FMSP, IIA, FSMB, EAMAC, CAFOP, INFAS, FASTEF

Pour les étudiants internationaux, télécharger toute notre collection des épreuves sur notre site : BAC BURKINA FASO, BEPC BURKINA FASO, BAC MALI, DEF MALI, BAC GABON, BEPC GABON, BAC TOGO, BEPC TOGO, BAC BENIN, BEPC BENIN, BAC NIGER, BEPC NIGER, BAC SENEGAL, BFEM SENEGAL.

Vous trouverez aussi sur notre plateforme des informations utiles et gratuites sur LES BOURSES D’ETUDES disponibles dans le monde ainsi que les informations sur les GRANDES ECOLES DE FORMATION en Afrique et dans le monde.

Important!: Cliquez ici pour vous abonner au groupe VIP afin d’être les premiers à recevoir les informations sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

Les informations gratuites que nous mettons à votre disposition sont vérifiées et certifiées par une équipe experte diplomés de Licence, Master, Doctorat et des Enseignants

Written by peter

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