
Cameroon HND Results 2024

The Ministry of Higher Education released the Higher National Diploma (HND) exam results on Tuesday evening.

Candidates who sat for the HND 2024 exam session can verify their official results at the centers they registered for the examination.

Also, the results will be read shortly over the radio and other media outlets.

Important!: Cliquez ici pour vous abonner au groupe VIP afin d’être les premiers à recevoir les informations sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

According to the regulations or timetable, candidates may also obtain their individual results slips from their registration centers.

Tap on the specialty or field links below to download the complete HND results:

  • Accountancy 
  • Accountancy and Finance
  • Agricultural Production Technology
  • Agro-Pastoral adviser
  • Agro-Pastoral Entrepreneurship
  • Andragogy
  • Animal Production Technology
  • Assistant Manager 
  • Banking and Finance
  • Bakery and Food Processing
  • Boiler Making and Welding
  • Building Science and Technology
  • Building Construction and rural roads
  • Civil Engineering Technology
  • Chemical Manufacturing
  • Corporate Communication
  • Crop Production Technology
  • Computer Science and Networks
  • Computer Graphics and Web Design
  • Customs and Transit
  • Dental Therapy
  • Didactics, Curriculum Development, and Teaching
  • E-Commerce and Digital Marketing
  • Education management and Administration
  • Electrotechnics
  • Electrical Power Systems
  • Fashion Clothing and Textiles
  • Food Technology
  • Health Care Management
  • Hotel Management and Catering
  • Human Resource Management
  • Hardware Maintenance
  • Information System Management
  • International Trade
  • Insurance
  • Industry Computing and Automation
  • Joinery and Cabinetmaking
  • Journalism
  • Legal Assistant
  • Local Government Administration
  • Logistics and Transport Management
  • Mechanical Manufacturing 
  • Midwifery 
  • Medical Imaging Technology
  • Medical Laboratory Sciences
  • Marketing-Trade-Sale
  • Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Nursing 1
    Nursing 2
  • Network and Security
  • Optician and Clinical optometry
  • Pharmacy Technology
  • Physiotherapy
  • Petrochemical Engineering
  • Petroleum Logistics
  • Project Management
  • Petroleum System and Exploitation
  • Port Shipping and Management 
  • Quarries Operations
  • Road and Civil Engineering
  • Software Engineering
  • Supply of Portable water and Hydro-agricultural arrangement
  • Tourism and Travel Agency Management
  • Telecommunication
  • Urban Planning.
  • Ultrasonography

Notice: Cliquez ici pour rejoindre notre groupe Télégram afin d’être les premiers à être informé sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

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Important!: Cliquez ici pour vous abonner au groupe VIP afin d’être les premiers à recevoir les informations sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

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EspaceTutos - Avec plus de 5 000 000 d'impressions par mois, espacetutos s’inscrit comme l’un des acteurs principaux dans le paysage des médias academiques en Afrique francophone. Pour vous renseigner sur une campagne budgétisée, merci de nous contacter à l’adresse suivante: [email protected] ou par tétéphone au numéro +237 6 79 77 51 39. Soyez les premiers à être informé.

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