
ZIMSEC O-Level Biology (5008) Syllabus PDF

ZIMSEC O-Level Biology (5008) Syllabus PDF free download. This is the complete syllabus all teachers will need. And for ZIMSEC O-Level students, knowing the syllabus will help your prepare even better for the forthcoming examination.


The Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) is an autonomous parastatal under the Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture of the Republic of Zimbabwe, responsible for the administration of public examinations in Zimbabwean schools.

Its syllabuses were evaluated by the National Academic Recognition Centre (NARIC) in the United Kingdom and found to be equivalent to the General Certificate Of Education Standard offered in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, United States of America, and the other English-speaking countries, hence the internationally recognized qualifications conferred by the Council.

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The following qualifications are offered by ZIMSEC:

  • for primary education
    • ZIMSEC Grade Seven Certificate, awarded after sitting for Grade Seven (Year Seven) examinations.
  • for secondary education
    • ZIMSEC General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (commonly referred to as “O-Levels”), this is for individuals doing the 2 year GCE O-Levels subject-based course beginning in Form 3 to Form 4 (i.e. Year 10 and 11)
    • ZIMSEC General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (commonly referred to as “A-Levels”), is the school-leaving qualification conferred by the Council to pupils completing secondary or pre-university education.

ZIMSEC O-Level Biology (5008) Syllabus


This syllabus assumes knowledge of the content of the two-year Zimbabwe Junior Science Syllabus. It prepares pupils for studies in biological sciences beyond ‘O’ Level as well as being a worthwhile qualification for those proceeding with study beyond this level. It places less emphasis on the factual recall of material and more emphasis on the understanding and application of scientific concepts, principles, and skills.

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Applications of science and technology to agriculture, environmental, social, and economic issues are included to extend subject concepts and skills. A practical and investigative approach must be adopted in teaching this syllabus. This will serve to develop the skills and abilities necessary to achieve the stated aims and objectives. This syllabus may not be taken with Human and Social Biology, 5097.


The aims of the syllabus are to help pupils:

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1. develop interest, and curiosity, in science;

2. develop concepts and skills that are relevant to the study and practice of biology;

3. appreciate and enjoy biology and its methods of inquiry;

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4. develop creativity, initiative, and skills of inquiry;

5. develop good practices for health and safety;

6. develop accuracy and precision, objectivity and integrity;

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7. recognise the usefulness and limitations of science;

8. apply the scientific method in other disciplines and in everyday life;

9. appreciate the beneficial and detrimental effects of the applications of science;

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10. recognise that the study and practice of science are interrelated and are subject to economic, technological, social, political, ethical, and cultural influences;

11. communicate scientific information effectively;

12. participate in the technological development of Zimbabwe;

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13. develop an interest in, and participate in, caring for the local and global environment.


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