
Nigeria: INEC produces Adeleke’s school certificates before Osun the tribunal

Nigeria: INEC produces Adeleke’s school certificates before the Osun tribunal. The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) on Thursday, produced Form CF001, containing the WAEC-GCE certificate and Secondary School Testimonial of Gov. Ademola Adeleke before the Osun Election Petitions Tribunal, sitting in Osogbo.

This was in compliance with the order of Justice Tertsea Kume, the Tribunal Chairman, on Nov. 25.

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Nigeria: INEC produces Adeleke's school certificates before Osun the tribunal 5

Kume had ordered the National Chairman of INEC to produce Form CF001 after INEC in the Osogbo office said the documents were not in its custody, but with its Headquarters in Abuja.

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Lead Counsel to INEC, Prof. Paul Ananaba, informed the court that the order given had been complied with and that the documents had been brought from Abuja by Mrs Joan Arabs, a Deputy Director.

Abia central APC: Court sacks Atuma, orders INEC to recognise Onuigbo

Court of Appeal sitting in Owerri, has nullified the candidacy of Chief Emeka Atuma of the All Progressive Congress, APC, for the Abia Central senatorial election.

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The court presided over by Justice Justice Rita Pemu, ordered the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to recognise Hon Sam Onuigbo as the winner and authentic candidate of the APC, primary election for Abia Central senatorial district.

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Nigeria: INEC produces Adeleke's school certificates before Osun the tribunal 6

Onuigbo who represents Ikwuano/Umuahia federal constituency at the House of Representatives, had through his Counsel, Muhammed Ndarani Mohammed, SAN, appealed the earlier judgement by Justice Evelyn Anyadike of the Federal High Court sitting in Umuahia which recognised Atuma as the flag bearer.

Granting the prayers of Onuigbo, the Appellate court upheld the legality of the party primary held on May 28, 2024, which produced Onuigbo who scored the highest number of votes.

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Civil group threatens to sue Buhari over alleged appointment of hairdresser as NEXIM Bank director

A group under the aegis of Lawyers for Reform on Thursday threatened to sue President Muhammadu Buhari in court if he fails to remove Stella Erhuvwuoghene Okotete as the Executive Director of Nigerian Export-Import Bank, NEXIM, within seven days.

To press their demand, members of the group protested at the premises of the National Assembly, saying that the NEXIM boss, who they described as a hairdresser, is not qualified by every standard to hold the position.

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Addressing journalists during the protest, tagged “#Remove Stellaokotetenow”, the leader of the group, Barrister Oladotun Hassan, said the appointment of Stella Okotete as executive director of NEXIM by President Buhari in April 2017 was wrong going by the clearly stipulated requirements in the extant laws governing the bank.

Zamfara ex-minister still in prison, unable to meet bail conditions

The former minister of information and Zamfara Central Senatorial Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Hon. Ikira Aliyu Bilbis is still in prison custody even after he has been granted bail by the State Upper Shari’a Court 11 in Gusau, the state capital.

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Nigeria: INEC produces Adeleke's school certificates before Osun the tribunal 7

DAILY POST gathered that he could not meet up with the bail conditions, which among others are a serving permanent secretary and someone who owns a house in Gusau, the State capital worth N20 million or above as sureties.

DAILY POST learnt that a permanent secretary (name withheld) who agreed to stand for his bail retired last week contrary to the condition given by the judge that he must produce a serving permanent secretary.

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Nigeria: INEC produces Adeleke's school certificates before Osun the tribunal 8
Credits: Daily Post Nigeria / Crownboy / Vanguard Newspaper

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