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Download Geography Paper 1 GCE 2024 Regional Mock Past Questions and Answers in PDF (O-Level)

Download Geography Paper 1 GCE 2024 Regional Mock Past Questions and Answers in PDF (O-Level) – Bamenda North and South West Regional Mock GCE O/A-Level PDF. How to GCE (O-Level) 2024 – Download Geography Paper 1 GCE 2024 Regional Mock Past Questions and Answers in PDF (O-Level)

The Bamenda North and South West Regional Mock GCE O-Level and A-Level past questions and answers are the most searched documents among students preparing for the most important examinations in their career.

This means that students preparing for the Cameroon GCE Advanced and Ordinary level exams can revise past questions on their phones without the need to photocopy these past paper and answer sheets.

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Below is the list of all Cameroon GCE regional mock past papers and answers available for free download in PDF format:

O level south west regional mock gce 2022 geography 1

O level south west regional mock gce 2022 geography 1

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1) The meteorological conditions of the atmosphere
are generated in which of the following layers of
the atmosphere?
B. Stores
A. Stratosphere C. Processes
B. Mesosphere D. Evapotranspiration
C. Thermosphere
D. Troposphere 9) Which of the following statements affects the
pattern of density from the crust to the core of the
earth‘s initial structure.
A. It increases from the core to the crust
It decreases from the crust to the core
It increases from the crust to the core
D. It fluctuates from the core to the crust.
2) Which of the following processes is responsible
for the greatest input in the heat content of the
lower atmosphere? B.
A. Terrestrial radiation C.
B. Solar radiation
C. Conduction
D. Convection 10) In the geometric principles of plate tectonics what
3) The type of lapse rate that ensures atmospheric is the ratio of the major plates to the minor plates.
stability is; A. 9:6
B. 8:7
A. A.L.R.
C. 6:9
B. D.A.L.R
C. E.L.R. D. 7:8
D. S.A.L.R
11) Both the constructive and destructive plate
margins are characterized by which of the
following relief features?
4) A climatic type in Cameroon that is characterized
by high rainfall and high temperature is;
Equatorial climate
B. Cameroon type
A. Volcanoes
B. Trenches
C. Ridges
C. Sudan climate
P. \ Sahelian climate D. Fold mountains
12) The point from which an earthquake originates at
the earth’s interior is described as?
5) The seasons in Cameroon are regulated by which
of the following pairs of air masses?
A. Harmattan and S.W. Monsoon
A. The focus
B. S.W. Monsoon and N.E. Trade winds
C. N.E. Trade winds and S.E. Monsoon B. The epicenter
C. The origin
D. S.W. Monsoon and N.W. Trade Wind.
D. The shock centre
6) Stream competence is influenced by which of the
following pairs of factors? 13) The rock masses of the Mandara Mountains are
characterized by which specific mechanism of
. weathering?
A. Channel size and slope
B. Channel shape and volume 1
A. Carbonation
C. Basin shape and slope B. Rock shattering i
D. Gradient and volume
C. Exfoliation
D. Oxidation
7) The Adamawa Plateau initiates which of the
following types of drainage patterns? ‘
A. Dendritic
14) The main factor that is responsible for mass
movement in highlands areas is?
B. Radial A. Earth Tremors
C. Trellis B. Gradient of the slope
D. Rectangular C. Winds
D. Rainfall

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Written by peter

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