
Corrigé épreuve d’anglais au baccalauréat A 2020

Section three: Reading comprehension
1) According to the passage, global warming is: (2 marks)
• the increase in temperature that causes heat
• the heating / warming up of the earth
• the rise in world temperature
• the increase of heat in the world
2) Global warning is blamed on mankind because of their activities such as : (2 marks)
• Pollution cutting down of trees (deforestation)
• Increase urbanization
3) Greenhouse effect increase of use in temperature in the atmosphere (2 marks)
4) The four gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect are:
• Carbon dioxide
• Methane
• Water vapour
• Nitrous oxide
5) The following things could be done to control or prevent global warning: (2 marks)
• Reduce pollution
• Promote afforestation
• Reduce deforestation
• Reduce over industrialization (involves the emission of harmful gases in their air)

Section four: Essay
Topic I: Argumentive
Candidates should agree or disagree and start their opinion on whether a woman must be submissive to a man.
They have to give points to support the both sides of the argument

Topic 2: Article
Title of article, Name of writer (as provided in the question)
Has two parts:
a) The characteristics of good music
• Good music should:
• Be educative
• Have harmony (rhythm)
• Have unity sound
• Good organization, balance and flow of sound
• Be exciting
• …
b) Say why pornographic music must be banned offensive
Derail / distract students from learning, encourages promiscuity

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Topic three: Formal letter (Complaint)
The situation of the school (no toilets, classrooms, infirmary and library)
The effects on the students and studies in general(given ideas should be developed)

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Written by DUHAMEL