
Corrigé épreuve d’anglais au baccalauréat A 2020

Corrigé épreuve d’anglais au baccalauréat A 2020

Section one: Grammar (10 marks)
I- Use the word in the brackets to join the pair of sentences into one meaningful sentence (5 marks)
1) He is the man whose car was stolen (by thieves)
2) Joe was punished for insulting his teacher
3) The telephone rang while I was having dinner
• The telephone was ranging while I was having dinner
4) This is village where a volcano erupted
5) After (the) farmers had worked for a long time, they had a rest.
• -After they had worked for a longtime, (the) farmers had a rest.
• -The farmers had a rest after they had worked for a long time.
II- Rewrite each sentence following the instructions in brackets. (5 marks)
l) didn’t they
2) My mother said (that) I. (you, we, they) shouldn’t be silly.
3) Did his uncle visit him week?
4) will be doing
5) better/stronger/healthier/lighter

Section two: Vocabulary
I- Give a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined word. (2.5 marks)
1) enemy/opponent/antagonist/foe
2) rich / well- to-do/ well -off
3) inexperience/ immature/innocent/simple-minded
4) despise/ hate/detest
S) much/abundant
II- Fill in the blank in each sentence using the correct form of the word in brackets. (5 marks)
1) winner
2.) safely
3) unwanted
4) Watching
5) divide
III- Use a ward of your own to complete each sentence so that it makes sense. (5 marks)
1) success
2) borrow
3) directory
4) have /dial / look for
5) loan

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Written by DUHAMEL