
Berlin Scholarship Program 2024 in Germany

berlin scholarship program

Berlin Scholarship Program in Germany 2024 is a unique yet an up to date opportunity to tackle the growing threats related to cyber security. The world has become a global village due to the use of communication technologies. However, these technologies can be misused as well. The four-month fully-funded scholarship in Germany is designed to cater to such growing cyber threats. In this workshop, the participants get to know the tools to overcome the breach of privacy as well as the actual fault lines and loopholes that lead to such a drastic breach. In addition, this scholarship in Europe is an extraordinary chance to have practice know-how about the importance and implementation of risk assessments and security planning.

The Berlin Scholarship Program 2024 is an initiative of the Berlin State Department for Economics, Energy, and Public Enterprises. However, this fully paid international scholarship in Germany is solely for the journalists. The Reporters without Borders Germany calls for the journalists from the war zones and crisis areas to come to Berlin for free and have better training regarding digital security. The journalists from these critical areas are the most vulnerable to these digital threats such as surveillance or hacker attacks that hinder their journalistic activities. So this training program is to enable them to protect themselves from such attacks by imparting skills and practical knowledge regarding these issues.

The fully-funded workshop for journalists in Europe has a trickle-down effect. In this program, when the journalists gain the practice skills to shield themselves from the emerging Digi threats, there comes the second phase. In this phase, all the participants with the help of a trainer team-comprised of high-ranked professionals- constitute their own training concept. Once the concept is bring formulated, the participants become trainers and train the journalists in their home countries with the same skills which they learned during the Berlin exchange program.

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The RSF Germany’s scholarship program has benefited a lot of journalists from around the world who were even facing death threats due to their journalistic abilities and their unbiased work in war zones and critical areas. The RSF reporter scholarship program is a way to learn to correctly assess the dangers. The program no doubt make the participants realize that there is no such thing as “Absolute Security”, however, there are many ways and tools to have a well-constructed security plan. Apart from these technical learning programs, the participants get to know each other, share an unending bond and learn about different cultures by staying together and by having different social gatherings. To sum up, the program remains within the participants not only for four months but for a lifetime.

Berlin Scholarship Program in Germany 2024:
Host Country:Germany
Host Organisation:Reporters Without Borders Germany
Funded By:Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises.
Program Duration:
4 Months
Program Dates:From March 1st, 2024 until November 30th, 2024.

Berlin Scholarship Program 2024 Benefits:

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  • A monthly stipend will be provided to each participant.
  • The visa processing and visa fee will be taken care of.
  • The participants will be provided with a pleasant residence.
  • All the travel costs will be covered to and from Berlin.
  • The daily public transportation will be free for the participants.
  • The participants will be given a deep insight into the activities of Reporters without Borders Germany which is a globally active journalist and human rights organization.

Eligibility Criteria of the Berlin Scholarship Program in Germany:

  • Professional journalists, bloggers, media professionals, and citizen journalists from war zones and crisis areas can apply.
  • The journalists who are being threatened by digital threats in their home countries.
  • The individuals must be eager in learning about digital security and passing the knowledge to other journalists in their home countries.
  • The candidates must show their willingness to return to their home countries.
  • The candidates must be proficient in English.
  • The candidate must have adequate journalistic experience. 

How to Apply for Berlin Scholarship 2024 in Germany?
The applicants have to send their signed applications with the required documents via Signal Messenger Service +491636743853.
If you have a Proton Mail Account, send your application on the account rsf.digitalfreedom[at]
You can also send your application along with the documents as encrypted email to digitalfreedom[at] (GnuPG/GPG-Key).
Fill the Berlin Scholarship 2024 online application and questionnaire in Pdf form.
You have to save two Pdf files of the above forms.
Complete these Pdf files on your computers.
You have to save these Pdf files and send them to one of the given addresses.

Berlin Scholarship 2024 Deadline:

The last date to apply is November 29th, 2024 at 23:59 (Central European Time).

Apply Now Official Link

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EspaceTutos - Avec plus de 5 000 000 d'impressions par mois, espacetutos s’inscrit comme l’un des acteurs principaux dans le paysage des médias academiques en Afrique francophone. Pour vous renseigner sur une campagne budgétisée, merci de nous contacter à l’adresse suivante: [email protected] ou par tétéphone au numéro +237 6 79 77 51 39. Soyez les premiers à être informé.

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