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Correction épreuve Anglais au baccalauréat C, D, E et TI 2020

Correction épreuve d’anglais au baccalauréat C, D, E et TI 2020

Section A: Grammar marks (10 marks)
1-(01 mark each)
1. felt
2. cooking / having cooked
3. began
4. had broken
5. known
11-(01 mark each)
1. Was
2. bitten
3. going to do
4. at
5. qualified enough

Section B: Vocabulary (10 marks)
1-(01 mark each)
1. believe
2. sightseeing
3. checked
4. beach
5. hit
2 (01 mark each)
1. keyboard
2. cheer
3. job
4. account
5. species

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Section C: Reading comprehension (10 MARKS)
1. The visitor came to kill Johnson 1 mark
2. He cordially welcomes strangers into his home. / He shows respect and reverence to anyone he meets. / He has intimate chat with his visitors / He entertains his guests with food and drinks / He gives room for even unknown tired visitors to have a rest in his home. 2 marks
3. He lied that he was a friend to Johnson’s elder brother. 2 marks
4. C 1 mark
a) He was stoned
b) He was cursed
c) Some gave him up and let him have his way or ignored him. 2 marks
6. Johnson collapsed because he changed his name on death’s list to the last position but unfortunately ended up the one to be killed because Death finally decided to kill the last on his
list that day. 1 mark
7. Any relevant moral. Ex: Lies telling can lead to danger/ Goodness/Kindness can save us from danger etc.

Section D: Writing
Topic 1: Article
• Heading/Title
• A line having the writer’s name i 2 marks
• Body (the main part of the article)
• Conclusion

Content- relevance and coherence 4 marks
• Relevant introduction
• Logical development of ideas on benefits of sports. This will depend on the benefits outlined by the candidate and how he/she decides to expose his/her ideas.
• Relevant topic sentences and developing ideas that are all connected to the topic sentence
• Well-conceived conclusion (Ending paragraph of the article with the opinion or recommendation, anticipation or an appeal)

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Accuracy 4 marks
• Respect of grammatical, lexical and spelling rules
• Correct sentence building.
• Use of appropriate vocabulary and precision
• Correct spellings
• Correct punctuations

Topic 2: Essay (narrative/ expository) 2 marks
Relevant introduction
About 4 indented paragraphs
Indented conclusion

Content: 4 marks
• A logical development of about 4 ideas on the life of a child soldier, the consequences and solutions. This will depend on the story line of the candidate and how he/she decides to narrate his/her
• story chronologically, giving the consequences and solutions.
• Relevant topic sentences and developing ideas that are all connected to the topic sentences
• Check on coherence and cohesion.
• Check on the use of appropriate connectives
• Well-conceived conclusion.

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Accuracy 4 marks
• Respect of grammatical, lexical and spelling rules
• Correct sentence building
• Use of appropriate vocabulary and precision
• Correct spellings A
• Correct punctuations

Topic 2: Speech
Presentation 2 marks
• Heading (event, speaker and date)
• Address or Salutation from top to bottom
• Welcome
• Topic to be addressed
• Body
• Conclusion
• Closing from bottom up. Example: Long live the chief, Long live the people of Ndangoh village, Long live Ndangoh village

Content: 4 marks
• Topic
• Logical development of about 4 ideas on the dangers of smoking This will depend on the dangers the candidate decides to develop
• Check on relevance, coherence and cohesion.
• Check on the use of appropriate connectives
• Well-conceived conclusion

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Accuracy: 4 marks
• Respect of grammatical, lexical and spelling rules
• Correct sentence building
• Use of appropriate vocabulary and precision
• Correct spellings
• Correct punctuations

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Written by peter

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