
UNEB UACE PURE MATHS Past Question Papers & Answers


Download UNEB UACE PURE MATHS Past Question Papers & Answers – Uneb uace pure maths paper one 2018

How do I check my UNEB results online?

Go to your web browser, Type In the form, enter the candidate’s Index Number and click SEARCH. A page with the Candidate’s results will load. Please note that this service is free and all you need is internet to access it.

How do I grade my Uace results?

Details About UNEB’s 2020 UACE Grading System – 2024-2025

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The grades are point based. The maximum number of points one can score is 20 from all subjects. 7

Letters represent a grade from a subject i.e. A, B, C, D, E, O, F

A = 6, B= 5, C= 4, D= 3, E=2, O=1, F=0
A student is expected to do 3 Principal Subjects and 2 Subsidiaries; Subsidiary ICT or Subsidiary Math and General Paper as a compulsory.

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A subsidiary subject can only score either one point or 0. They are graded using grade letters D1-F9. Any grade better than P7 is a point.

Different subjects have different number of papers ranging from one to 4.

Conditions for scoring the grade letters

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A: At worst a C3 in one of the three papers and the rest must be distinctions i.e. 1,1,3
/1,2,3 /2,2,3 = A

For two papers, ALL MUST be distinctions i.e. 1,1 /1,2 /2,2 =A

B:  At worst C4 in one of the three papers and higher grades in the rest i.e. 1,2,4 /2,2,4 /3,3,4 /1,1,4 / 3,3,3 /3,2,4 = B

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For two papers at worst C3 in one of the papers and higher grades in the second paper i.e. 1,3 / 2,3 /3,3 =B

C:  At worst C5 in one of the three and higher grades in the rest i.e. 1,1,5 / 1,2,5 / 2,2,5 /2,3,5 /3,4,5 /4,4,5 =C

For two papers C4 in one of the papers and the rest must be a higher grade i.e. 1,4/2,4 /3,4 /4,4 =C

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D: At worst C6 in one of the three papers and higher grades in the rest i.e. 1,2,6 / 1,1,6 /1,3,6/2,2,6 /3,3,6 /4,5,6 /5,5,6 =D

Then for two papers it must be C5 at worst and higher or better grades i.e. 1,5 /2,5/3,5 /4,5 /5,5 =D

E: At worst P7 or 8 in one of the three papers and then higher grades in other papers i.e. 1,1,7 /1,2,7 /3,3,7 etc. = E

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O: At worst 2 passes in two out of three papers and better i.e. 1,7,7 /2,7,7 /6,7,7 =O
F9 in one of the papers, with the rest of the three papers having between D1-C6

For two papers, one pass and a better score =O
Also two papers and a credit =O

F: At worst 2 F9s out of the three papers =F
F9 and P8 in two of the three papers
F9 in one of the two papers and a pass =F

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How do you pass UNEB exams?


The UNEB exams are just around the corner. During this time,many candidates are pounded with tonnes of work and notes.
If a candidate is not well prepared, he can face great failure and shame all over. But with these simple tips, a candidate will not fail to excel in their UNEB exams.
All success comes from the Almighty God. No one is successful unless through him. From the world’s richest to the world’s smartest, all these attribute their success from God. Just believe in Him and you will see miracles. Just BELIEVE.!!
Am sure you hear this word every time you wake up. But indeed you have to read. I dont think you can just dive into a History paper unless you have been reading. Read all subjects equally because the results you will get in UCE will affect your admission into University. Imagine missing a University addmission by 0.3points because of that F9 in Biology which could have easily become a D1 if only you had read. DONT WAIT TO REGRET.
If you really want to excel in your UNEB, you really have to devote yourself but its just for afew months. So you should cut on the time you spend on facebook,texting,watching movies or playing Call of Duty BlackOps at least for these remaining few weeks. Imagine regretting to have gone for that party yet you could have read that History book and atleast got to know that Course or that kingdom organisation. Am sure many of your friends and relatives know that you are a candidate so try not to let them down most especially let yourself down…A man once said « Play now, and pay later or Pay now and play later ».
« All work and no play makes John a dull boy« ..Well you should relax abit if you deep down know that you have been reading thoroughly. Try doing something that you enjoy to help you release some of the stress. Get a good night’s sleep (7-9hours a day) however do not over sleep as this will create a state of laziness as you will feel extremely tired. It makes no good to prepare for an exam but then sleep halfway into the exam!!
Your brain needs rest and very good feeding. Eat foods such as vegetables, fish, Cereal, milk,fruits, and also fish oil. These foods provide the necessary nutrients that your brain needs to remember those complex math equations and physics formulae. Avoid deep fried foods, carbonated drinks like sodas,sugar enriched drinks,alcohol(at least for these few weeks!!!)
Do not smoke as this will destroy all your brain cells which will make it easier for your brain to forget that experiment in Biology.
Many students during this time fear to ask about things that were taught in those lower classes in fear of being seen as not intelligent. But this is entirely wrong, you will get to know what you didnt know which will make you a step closer to being more intelligent. So do not be afraid to ask that so- called simple question.. Okay??
They may not be very popular in school but they certainly know abit more when it comes to a particular subject. So make friends with them but do not use them as this may make them « spoon feed you poison ». Be friends you never know, they might let you in on their secret of excelling throughout!!
You might be covinced that the syllabus is done but a teacher might come in and kindly give you those notes he had told you to copy or add on on what he had given you back in first term. So don’t miss that Golden lesson.
Respect that teacher with spects who gives you « puni’s » whenever he sees you. That teacher might end up taking you to the infamous D.C which has the power to discontinue any candidate for indiscipline in otherwards disqualify you from sitting UNEB that year or in simple terms you register the following year. So just swallow that beef for that teacher.YUP!! THAT’S LIFE. FORGIVE BUT DO NOT FORGET..
It does no good to read all the letters you have in your books and textbooks without believing in your self. Whenever you feel depressed or de-motivated.. just scavenge the internet for inspirational and motivational quotes. Am sure you will be able to bounce back.
Avoid negative energy and past results. They came, you received them now its time to move on and turn that f9 into a D1.. Simply not by belief only but with persistence too.
Some people may want to put you down, others to step on you so that you remain down there.. but just believe in yourself that you can do it, you can make it. Your Will power is bigger than their negativity that spills out of their mouths.. aint that right??
..with the aboe tips.. if put into practice am sure you will not fail to excel and ace your UNEB

What does D stand for in Uace?

Uganda Grading System

Grading Scales:


GradeScaleGrade DescriptionUS Grade
A1.00 – 2.99Pass with DistinctionA
B3.00 – 4.99Pass with CreditB
C5.00 – 6.99Pass with CreditB
D7.00 – 7.99PassC
E8.00 – 8.99PassC


GradeScaleGrade DescriptionUS Grade
A+90.00 – 100.00ExceptionalA+
A80.00 – 89.99ExcellentA
B+75.00 – 79.99Very goodB+
B70.00 – 74.99GoodB
B-65.00 – 69.99B-
C+65.00 – 69.99Fairly goodC+
C60.00 – 64.99FairC
D+55.00 – 59.99PassC-
D50.00 – 54.99Marginal PassD
E45.00 – 49.99Marginal FailD-
E-40.00 – 44.99Clear FailF
F0.00 – 39.99Bad FailF

Most Common

Grade DescriptionDivisionUS Grade
First Class HonoursA
Second Class HonoursUpper DivisionAB
Second Class HonoursLower DivisionB

Makarere University

From 1997/98 Academic Year

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GradeScaleUS Grade
A80.00 – 100.00A
B+75.00 – 79.90B+
B70.00 – 74.90B
B-65.00 – 69.90B-
C+60.00 – 64.90C+
C55.00 – 59.90C
C-50.00 – 54.90C-
D+45.00 – 49.90D+
D40.00 – 44.90D
D-35.00 – 39.90D-
E0.00 – 34.90F

How many points are in E in Uace?

5.9 For A’ Level grades, the conversion scale is A=6, B=5, C=4, D=3, E=2, O=1, F=0 points.

UNEB UACE PURE MATHS Past Question Papers & Answers

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