Southwest Region

In Cameroon, we have two main English-speaking regions that constitute southern Cameroon. The Southwest Region of Cameroon is one of the English-speaking regions with 6 divisions ( Fako, Koupé-Manengouba, Lebialem, Manyu, Meme, and Ndian) each managed by the SDO.

The Southwest Region or South-West Region has as capital city Buea and it is distinguished by a rich, permanently green cover of vegetation resulting from heavy rainfall and extensive agro-industrial activity.

Southwest Region of Cameroon

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The relics of buildings dating back to the colonial era, including the palace of the German governor, Von Puttkamer, were built at the beginning of the 20th century.
  •  Mount Cameroon, 4,100m high, which is still an active volcano;
  • The Korup National Park is a living natural history museum dating back to 300 million years and enjoying a rare variety of flora and fauna.
  • The Limbé Botanical Garden was created in 1892 by German horticulturists.
  • The Limbé Zoo, is open all year round to tourists.
  • The Barombi Lake in Kumba, with its luxuriant decor.
 Besides many primary and secondary schools in this region of the country, one can talk of the lone state university — The University of Buea born in 1993 following wide-ranging university reforms in Cameroon.

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