GCE N(T)-Level

The Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Normal (Technical) Level (GCE N(T)-Level) examination is an annual national examination that is taken by the school and private candidates in Singapore.

Since 2008, the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (GCE) Normal Level examination has been segregated into the Singapore-Cambridge GCE Normal (Technical) Level (GCE N(T)-Level) and GCE Normal (Academic) Level (GCE N(A)-Level) examinations.

The GCE N(T)-Level examination is offered annually to:

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  • Students from mainstream schools in Singapore who are taking N(T) courses* in Secondary Four.

*The students who excel in specific subjects may be allowed to take the examinations for some subjects at the GCE Normal (Academic)-Level.

  • Private candidates who have met the eligibility criteria to register for the GCE N(T)-Level examination.

The Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board, Ministry of Education (MOE) Singapore, and Cambridge Assessment International Education are the joint examining authorities for the GCE N(T)-Level examination.

Applied Subjects

School candidates may also register to sit for MOE-Institute of Technical Education (ITE) Applied Subjects, through their schools, in addition to the GCE N(T)-Level subjects.

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These Applied Subjects are developed by the MOE, in collaboration with the ITE, and the ITE is the examining authority for the MOE-ITE Applied Subjects N(T)-Level examination.

GCE N(T)-Level registration information

[embeddoc url= »https://www.seab.gov.sg/docs/default-source/schooregistrationinformation/2021_instructions_for_school_candidates.pdf » download= »none »]

Examination rules and regulations

[embeddoc url= »https://www.seab.gov.sg/docs/default-source/schoolexamrulesregulations/gcenoa_level_school_candidates_rules_and_regulations.pdf » download= »none »]

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