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The General Certificate of Education (GCE) is a subject-specific family of academic qualifications that awarding bodies in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Crown dependencies and a few Commonwealth countries, notably Cyprus, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Singapore, confer on students. Wikipedia


After the Cameroonisation of the London GCE in 1977, things went on smoothly until 1984. From 1984 onwards, the GCE began experiencing irregularities as some London officials began withdrawing. Beginning from 1990, when the University of London Examination and Assessment Council withdrew completely from the role it had played so far on the Cameroon GCE, the irregularities became even more alarming. Some of these irregularities included,

  • The used of GCE questions reserved for future sessions for Entrance Examinations into ENS in 1990,
  • Change of the format of the GCE question papers in 1991 without prior notice to candidates, poor printing,
  • Wrong pagination,
  • Wrong spellings,
  • Shortage of question papers and materials,
  • Late arrival of question papers and the postponement of some papers,
  • Wrong instructions on question papers and examination leakages.
 In response to this popular demand, the Prime Minister of the Republic signed an order (Nº: 194/CAB/PM of 11th September 1992) creating a Technical Committee to carry out studies and make recommendations on the organization and functioning of the GCE Examination Board.

General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE AL)

The GCE Advanced Level unit is one of the units under the Division of Examination. The Division of Examination is headed by a Deputy Registrar in charge of Examinations while the Advanced Level unit is headed by  an  Examination Officer. This unit has its responsibilities and duties which include ;

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  • Preparation and distribution of Registration Materials.
  • Reception and processing of registration forms from registration centres.
  • Moderation of raw test items.
  • Supervision of the Proof reading exercise.
  • Costing and preparation of practical documents.
  • Creation of Registration and Accommodation centres.

Supervision and monitoring of practical and written examinations.

  • Supervision of marking secretariats and marking proper.

The Advanced Level examination is made of Twenty-One (20) subjects namely;

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The General Certificate of Education Examinations Advanced Levels shall normally mark the end of the Upper Sixth Form of secondary general education.

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The examination shall be broad-based and shall set out to measure the candidate’s knowledge of the world around him, his capacity to think, apply, synthesize and evaluate knowledge and situations in relation to the subjects for which he shall be presenting himself at the Advanced Level.

The examinations shall be open to external candidates on the same conditions as applied to those attending secondary schools. There shall be no limit to the number of sittings.

Registration fees

  • Registration fee – 9000frs
  • Subject fee – 2000frs
  • Practical fee – 5000frs
  • Franking of form G3 – 1000frs

The above fees are applicable presently at the GCE Board.

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Registration conditions

Candidates for the Advanced Level examination may enter for at most five subjects.

  1. Holders of the Cameroon General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level with pass grades in at least four subjects.
  2. Holders of the University of London General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level with pass grades in at least four subjects.
  3. Holders of at least Teacher Grade II Certificate.
  4. Holders of R.S.A stage II certificate  in at least four subjects.
  5. Holders of other certificates deemed equivalent by the Board to any of the above.

General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE OL)

The GCE Ordinary Level unit is one of the units under the Division of Examination. The Division of Examination is headed by a Deputy Registrar in charge of Examinations while the ordinary Level unit is headed by an  Examination Officer. This unit has its responsibilities and duties which include;

  • Preparation and distribution of Registration Materials.
  • Reception and processing of registration forms from registration centres.
  • Moderation of raw test items.
  • Supervision of the Proofreading exercise.
  • Costing and preparation of practical documents.
  • Creation of Registration and Accommodation centres.

Supervision and monitoring of practical and written examinations.

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  • Supervision of marking secretariats and marking proper.

The Ordinary Level examination is made of Twenty-One (21) subjects as shown below;

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Three of these twenty one subjects have practical components.  That is to say nineteen subjects at the Ordinary Level are two paper subjects while  Food and Nutrition, Special Bilingual Education French and Computer Science have three papers.

Each of these subjects have their specifications as regards the number of questions set per paper, the number of questions to be answered per paper and the scores and weightings are also different. It is important to note that all paper ones are multiple choice (MCQ) made up of fifty questions and candidates are expected to answer all the fifty questions.

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These subjects also have subject experts who are very knowledgeable in the various disciplines.

For a candidate to go in for Ordinary Level Examination, he/she must have completed a five-year program in the Secondary School level. He / She is allowed to go in for at least four Ordinary Level Subjects and at most eleven  subjects, but the 11th subject must be Religious Studies.

Another important condition for registration at the Ordinary Level is that, the four subjects must include English Language, French and Mathematics. This implies that English Language, French and Mathematics are compulsory subjects at the Ordinary Level. However, candidates can also go in for single subjects.

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The registration fees at GCE Ordinary.

  • Registration fee – 8000frs
  • Subject fee – 1000frs
  • Practical fee – 5000frs
  • Franking of form G3 – 1000frs

The above fees are applicable presently at the GCE Board

Registration conditions.

Candidates for Ordinary Level examinations shall offer at least six subjects which must include the following: English Language, French, Mathematics. However, candidates who already possess a pass in at least four Ordinary Level subjects or other equivalent qualification may enter for additional single subjects. candidates may enter for at most eleven subjects at Ordinary Level if they desire to include Religious Studies. Repeat candidates must enter for compulsory subjects, unless they show proof that they already possess a pass in the subjects. Photocopies of Results Slips and Certificates must be attached upon registration.

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Dans notre plateforme, vous trouverez les derniers sujets des examens nationaux (G.C.E, CAP, BEPC, PROBATOIRE, BAC, BTS, LICENCE, MASTER, DOCTORAT) et internationaux ainsi que les anciennes épreuves de concours d’entrée dans des grandes écoles au Cameroun, en Côte d’ivoire, au Gabon, au Senegal et dans le monde: ENS, EAMAU , ENAM, ENIEG, IRIC, IFORD, IDE, MINSANTE, ENSET, ESSEC, IUT, FGI, FASA, FMSB, ESSTIC, EGEM, ENSP, ENSPT, UCAC, ENIET, POLICE, MINE ET PONT , FMSP, IIA, FSMB, EAMAC, CAFOP, INFAS, FASTEF

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