Far North Region

The Far North Region, Cameroon. Also known as the Extreme North Region, this region is the northernmost that borders the North Region to the south, Chad to the east, and Nigeria to the west. The capital is Maroua. The province is one of Cameroon’s most culturally diverse.

Far North Region

It is intersected by massifs with strange and tormented shapes, such as in the picturesque and enchanted landscapes of the Kapsikis, a favourite haunt of tourists. Rhumsiki is a veritable Mecca for Cameroon tourism.

The inhabitants of the Far North, people of the hinterland, have been able to preserve an authentic culture which may be seen via the architecture, artistic creations, handicrafts, the traditions and folklore of tribes such as the Foulbés, Matakams, Toupouris, Massas, Kotokos, Kirdis, Arabes Choa, Mousgoums, Mandaras and the Mofous.

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Far North Region, Cameroon
Above all, however, the Far North Region is famous for the Waza National Park. This is the most well-known and most visited park, having the best reputation in Cameroon and all of French-speaking Africa.
Country Cameroon
Capital Maroua
Departments Diamaré, Logone-et-Chari, Mayo-Danay, Mayo-Kani, Mayo-Sava, Mayo-Tsanaga
 • Governor Midjiyawa Bakary
 • Total 34,263 km2 (13,229 sq mi)
 • Total 3,993,007
 • Density 120/km2 (300/sq mi)

The Fulani (Fulbe) make up a large portion of the Far North’s population. The heart of the province is primarily Fulani territory, and Maroua is mostly a Fulani settlement. They also occupy smaller pieces of land south of there, one along the border with Chad, and one to the southeast.

The Zumaya (sedentary Fulani group who reached the department of Diamare before the arrival of Massina Fulani) had first established their kingdom (Wouro-Laamorde) at Kalaki (Wouro Zangui). With the beginning of the Fulani jihad they joined the Massina Fulani to convert the Kirdi to Islam. The Bororo Fulani, tall, thin nomads with lighter complexions than their sedentary kin, drive herds of cattle through this region, though they also move through most of the northern strip of land between Nigeria and Chad, as well. The Fulani speak Fulfulde, a Senegambian language.

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