BECE SCHOOL means BASIC EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION FOR SCHOOL CANDIDATES. This examination is both for certification and selection into Senior High Schools and Technical Institutes in Ghana. The results of the examination are based on Continuous Assessment and external examination. The Continuous Assessment forms 30% whilst the external examination forms 70% of the total assessment.

Candidates in the third year of Junior High Schools approved by the Ghana Education Service are eligible to register to take part in this examination.

Date of Examination

The examination is conducted nationwide in June each year.

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BECE SCHOOL Entry for the Examination

Registration for the examination is done electronically in October/November each year. Statement of Entries, CDs together with the registration fees should reach the appropriate Office of the Council by specified dates that will be determined by the Council from year to year.

Subjects for the Examination

The following are the subjects available to candidates:

  • English Language
  • Ghanaian Language and Culture
  • Social Studies
  • Integrated Science
  • Mathematics
  • Basic Design and Technology
  • Religious & Moral Education
  • Information and Communications Technology
  • French (optional)

BECE SCHOOL Grading of Candidates

Candidates are graded based on their performance in the external examination (objective and written) and Continuous (Internal) Assessment marks provided by the schools. A nine-point numerical scale is used in grading the candidates with Grade 1 denoting the highest performance and Grade 9 the lowest.

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Release of Results

The results of the examination are released in August to enable successful and qualified candidates to enter Senior High Schools and Technical Institutes at the beginning of the academic year. The results lists are sent to the participating schools, whilst each candidate receives a statement of results through his/her school. Candidates can also check their results online with an access card at

Selection of Candidates to Senior High School

Candidates are selected to Senior High Schools by the Computerized School Selection and Placement System (CSSPS).

Review of Scripts

Scripts are kept for three months after the release of results before they are finally destroyed. During this time, review of scripts for a fee is allowed and this is done at the instance of the Head of school or an accredited representative of the school since the Basic Education Certificate Examination is a school-based examination. The Council by policy does not undertake a review of scripts at the instance of candidates, parents, guardians, or persons claiming to act “in loco parentis”

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Certificates are sent to the schools for collection by individual candidates. Certificates are produced once, and so certificates that get lost or damaged after collection are not replaced.

Confirmation of Results

Candidates who lose their certificates may confirm their results to prospective employers and educational institutions

Attestation of Results

Candidates who lose their certificates may also request attestation of their results.

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All inquiries about the Basic Education Certificate Examination may be directed to the Deputy Registrar/ Controller, National Examinations Administration Department on telephone numbers,

(233) 302-208201-9 or info@waecgh .org

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Written by admin

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