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(PDF)Cameroon GCE Advanced level Chemistry Paper 1 June 2020

Download the (PDF)Cameroon GCE Advanced level Chemistry Paper 1 June 2020 from here. This is the original GCE Question paper for Chemistry in English for the previous school year.

(PDF)Cameroon GCE Advanced level Chemistry Paper 1 June 2020-Cameroon General Certificate of Education (G.C.E) Advance Level Past Questions

Sunjet: Chemistry Paper 1
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Chemistry Paper 1


Read the following instructions carefully before you start answering the questions in this paper. Make sure you have a soft IIR pencil and an eraser for this examination.


Before the examination begins:

Important!: Cliquez ici pour vous abonner au groupe VIP afin d’être les premiers à recevoir les informations sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

  1. Check that this question booklet is headed “0715 CHEMISTRY 1 – Advanced Level”
  2. Fill in the information required in the spaces above.
  3. Fill in the information required in the spaces provided on the answer sheet using your HB pencil:
  4. Candidate Name, Exam Session, Subject Code and Candidate Identification Number.
  5. ‘Fake care that you do not crease or fold the answer sheet or make any marks on it other than those asked for in these instructions.

How to answer the questions in this Examination

6. Answer ALL the 50 questions in this Examination. All questions carry equal marks.
7. Non-programmable calculators are allowed
8. Each question has FOUR suggested answers: A, B, C and D. Decide which answer is appropriate. Find the number of the question on the Answer Sheet and draw a horizontal line across the letter to join the square brackets for the answer you have chosen.
For example, if C is your correct answer, mark C as shown below:

[A] [B] [C] [D]

Important!: Cliquez ici pour vous abonner au groupe VIP afin d’être les premiers à recevoir les informations sur les concours, recrutements, offres, opportunités en cours

  1. Mark only one answer for each question. If you mark more than one answer, you will score a zero for- that question. II you change your mind about an answer, erase the first mark carefully, then mark your new answer.
  2. Avoid spending too much time on any one question. If you find a question difficult, move on to the next question. You can come back to this question later.
  3. Do all rough work in this booklet using the blank spaces in the question booklet.
  4. At the end of the examination, the invigilator shall collect the answer sheet first and then the question

2020 GCE Advanced level Chemistry Paper 1 free download

June 2020 GCE Advanced Level Chemistry paper 1


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Written by peter

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