
[O Level😋] All ZIMSEC Past Exam Papers and Answers

Download All ZIMSEC O Level Past Exam Papers and Answers in PDF format and use for revision as you prepare for your exams.

Studying whle practcng with past exam papers will surely give you a better understandng of the syllabus to cover and the exam setting.



The Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) is an autonomous parastatal under the Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture of the Republic of Zimbabwe, responsible for the administration of public examinations in Zimbabwean schools.

 Its syllabuses were evaluated by the National Academic Recognition Centre (NARIC) in the United Kingdom and found to be equivalent to the General Certificate Of Education Standard offered in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, United States of America and the other English-speaking countries, hence the internationally recognised qualifications conferred by the Council.

The following qualifications are offered by ZIMSEC:

  • for primary education
    • ZIMSEC Grade Seven Certificate, awarded after sitting for Grade Seven (Year Seven) examinations.
  • for secondary education
    • ZIMSEC General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (commonly referred to as “O-Levels”), this is for individuals doing the 2 year GCE O-Levels subject-based course beginning in Form 3 to Form 4 (i.e. Year 10 and 11)
    • ZIMSEC General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (commonly referred to as “A-Levels”), is the school-leaving qualification conferred by the Council to pupils completing secondary or pre-university education.

ZIMSEC O Level Past Exam Papers and Answers

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Written by peter

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