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Download JAMB Chemistry Past Questions and Answers PDF

Download JAMB Past Questions and Answers on Chemistry PDF for 2024-2025 UTME. Below is how to get jamb past questions for Chemistry and How to pass JAMB successfully in 2024 UTME.

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Download JAMB Chemistry Past Questions and Answers PDF

About JAMB CBT 2024 UTME

JAMB CBT is the newest way Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) adopted to test her candidates. And one of the successes JAMB has made in the past few years is moving from paper based test to computer based test (CBT).

This new process has helped in reducing malpractice, saving time and cost-effective means of making UTME a fair playing ground for all candidates. In the time past, the rate of malpractice was high but this has reduced via the introduction of CBT.

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However, many students haven’t been able to integrate well with JAMB CBT and this has led to failure or underperformance of many students. For any student to pass JAMB successfully, he/she must master the act of taking CBT which is quite different from paper based test. Mastering this act will enable you to pass JAMB successfully.

JAMB Chemistry questions are easy to pass if one can pay close attention to some important topics in chemistry. There are topics in UTME chemistry syllabus that are repeatedly seen in JAMB questions.

In this page I will list those topics that every candidate writing JAMB UTME chemistry should pay close attention.

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Expected Topics in JAMB Chemistry

  1. Separating techniques
  2. How to determine empirical formula
  3. Balancing of equation
  4. Acid, Base, and Salt (Physical and Chemical properties, Neutralization rxn)
  5. PH Scale
  6. Isotopes
  7. Electronic configuration
  8. Gas Law
  9. Redox reaction
  10. Rate of chemical reaction (Le Chatelier’s principle)
  11. Carbon and its compound
  12. Hydrogen and its compound
  13. Nitrogen and its compound
  14. Sulphur and its compound
  15. Allotropes
  16. Aromatic and Aliphatic Hydrocarbon (Alkane, Alkene, Akyne, Benzene)
  17. Isomerism
  18. Alkanol
  19. Alkanoic
  20. Esterification
  21. Hardness of water
  22. Saponification
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Written by peter

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