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How To Recover lost Cameroon GCE O/A Level Certificates

How To Recover lost Cameroon GCE O/A Level Certificates: If you have been asking yourself How to Recover or obtain a duplicate of lost Cameroon GCE O/A Level Certificates that were either misplaced or got burnt then keep reading till the end to know what is needed to make this happen.

What are Cameroon GCE Certificates?

Cameroon GCE Certificates are the most crucial documents required by candidates seeking admission into higher institutions or while applying for jobs.


The request for duplicate or replacement of Cameroon GCE Certificates should be made through General Certificate of Education Board in Buea and Bamenda respectively.

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Cameroon GCE Certificates, Procedure to Recover lost Cameroon GCE Certificates, Welcome to Cameroon GCE Board - #CamGCEBoard

Procedure to Recover lost GCE Certificates

Information collected from the board indicates that the original certificates of the GCE Advanced and Ordinary levels are issued to candidates within the six months after the proclamation of results.

1. Eligibility

Firstly to be eligible for recovery, Only those who have sat at least once for the Cameroon GCE exams can be eligible to request another copy of the lost certificate if not any request will be rejected.

Candidates who lost or Misplaced their Original GCE Certificate must note that the issuing of certificates by the GCE Board takes not more than a year.

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If due to unforeseen circumstances your GCE certificate doesn’t arrive on time, you may visit the Cameroon GCE Board’s offices for further inquiries.

2. Required Documents

Next, the following documents are necessary to constitute your file, when asking for a duplicate of lost Cameroon GCE Certificates.

  • An attestation of loss signed by the police or any competent authority for oversea candidates.
  • Handwritten application with 1000 Francs CFA fiscal stamp.
  • A copy of the National Identity card for Cameroonians or residence permits for foreigners. Candidates living abroad who do not have their national identity card at hand should attach a copy of their International Passport page bearing their name, picture, and other details.
  • A Photocopy of Results slips or Certificate if available.
  • A Photocopy of Birth Certificate

3. Fees required

A fee of 50,000 Francs CFA is required to be deposited to the General Certificate of Education Board before your lost certificate. This is a non-refundable amount and its official. Nevertheless, don’t fall for cheap scams when people promise to help you out.

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4. Deposit the Required Documents

You can deposit your documents at the Cameroon GCE Board’s main office located at Lycee Molyko street Adjacent Lycee Molyko, 10 meters walk from CUIB.

Office Locations & Contacts

Information can be obtained by using the following contact address:

Where is Cameroon GCE Board Main Office?

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The Main Office of the Cameroon GCE Board is located at Lycee Molyko street Adjacent Lycee Molyko, 10 meters walk from CUIB

Where is Cameroon GCE Board Regional Office?

The Regional Office of the Cameroon GCE Board is located in Bamenda, North West Region, Cameroon.

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The Official Website of the Cameroon GCE Board is Cameroon GCE Board and all the latest information regarding the GCE can be gotten from there.

Final Thoughts

This article will be updated from time to time if need be. While we have covered the most important part of this article, we still do not firmly confirm that after fulfilling all the above instructions, your certificate will be released.

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Written by peter

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