
How Much to Pay a House Sitter in 2024: House Sitting Job

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How Much To Pay A House Sitter in 2024: House Sitting Job. If you’re finally taking a vacation to ease off stress from work and you intend to make it a long one. Get a house sitter to take care of your pets.

When you’ve made your selection of the best house sitter to look after your home, there is always the challenge of determining their wage.

How Much to Pay a House Sitter in 2024: House Sitting Job
How Much to Pay a House Sitter in 2024: House Sitting Job

How Much To Pay A House Sitters Make in 2024?

As a starting point to keep in mind, typical house sitting rates are in the $25-30/day range, more (around $50) for overnight stays. But this is just a ballpark. We suggest taking the time to calculate a number based on your own house sitting expectations and needs. If your need for a house sitter extends to a long period of time that stretches into weeks, or months, the payment will have to change.

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Though for this type of employment, there should be a weekly or monthly fee set as a contract between the homeowner and the house sitter.

Factors that affect how much to pay a house sitter

1. The size of the residence

The first thing to consider when figuring out what to pay your house sitter is the size of the space they’ll be responsible for. For example, large homes with bigger spaces to clean/ look after require a lot more effort than say, a studio apartment. Therefore, the amount you’ll pay for house sitting should vary depending on the size and type of space being cared for.

2. Location

Another factor to put into consideration when you are trying to figure out how much to pay a house sitter is your location. The average house sitter’s salary and overall costs are based on the geographical areas and it changes from city to city. That is why professional house sitters will cost more in urban areas than in rural or smaller areas. A professional house sitter in cities like New York and California can cost as much as $50 per day. But, a professional house sitter in Salt Lake City will charge approximately $30 per day.

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3. Responsibilities (The amount of time they’ll be spending in your home)

Once you have prior knowledge of the average salary that house owners in your area pay house sitters, then it is time to determine the kind of services you expect from them. The more responsibilities you assign your sitter, the more time they’ll spend in your home, which means your need to be prepared to pay them accordingly. Jobs that require the sitter to stay at your place overnight are best charged by a daily rate. 

House sitter rates based on Responsibilities

  • Feed Pets – 96% of house sitters offer this service and charge an average of $31.64 per day.
  • Taking out the Trash – 96% of house sitters offer this service and charge an average of $31.66 per day.
  • Plant Care – 97% of house sitters offer this service and charge an average of $31.69 per day.
  • Snow Clearing – 43% of house sitters offer this service and charge an average of $31.00 per day.
  • Mail Collection – 97% of house sitters offer this service and charge an average of $31.66 per day.

4. Amenities provided

You have to also take into account what amenities you’ll be providing for your sitter that is a fully-stocked fridge, free Wi-Fi, beer, swimming pool access to get an idea of what you’re already paying for.

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5. Provisions

The house sitting rates should also include provisions for any day-to-day house-related needs. If you think there’s a chance your sitter will need to make a grocery or hardware store run, make sure you’re prepared to cover those costs in your pay rate.

How Much To Pay A House Sitter in 2024: House Sitting Job

How much should you pay a friend to house sit?

The average pet sitter charges $25 to $30 for a daily visit or $75 to $85 to stay overnight. The actual cost will vary based on where you live, how many pets you have, how long the sitter visits for, and whether or not they do other duties while in your home such as collect your mail.

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How much should I pay my friend to dog sit?

If you decide to pay your friends to pet sit, a fair rate of pay is 30-40% of what you would pay a professional service. For example, a quick 15-minute drop-in visit would equal about $7 – $10 per visit.

Do you pay for a house sitter?

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Most house sitters don’t charge to house sit. Instead, it’s typically accepted as a direct exchange of free house and pet care in return for free accommodation.

Top 5 HouseSitting Service Providers in 2024

List of the best house sitter providers that are near you.

  1. Housesitter: Finding a trusted, a reliable house sitter can take the stress and worry out of being away from your home.
  2. Mind My House: If you need someone to look after your house or pets while you’re away, join this platform. It is totally free and will give you a professional house sitter you can trust.
  3. House Sit Match: If you are looking for a dog sitter, cat sitter or rabbit sitter, they can help you find free home & pet care for you.
  4. Trusted Housesitters: Want to find 5-star dog sitters or care for pets while house sitting?
  5. HouseCarers: HouseCarers has been securely matching homeowners with House Sitters. They can help you get the best house sitter that you can trus

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