Marcel Proust

The French writer Marcel Proust, (born July 10, 1871, Auteuil, near Paris, France—died November 18, 1922, Paris), French novelist, author of À la recherche du temps perdu (1913–27; In Search of Lost Time), a seven-volume novel based on Proust’s life told psychologically and allegorically.

Marcel Proust was an early 20th-century French writer responsible for what is officially the longest novel in the world: À la recherche du temps perdu – which has 1,267,069 words in it; double those in War and Peace.

A la recherche du temps perdu by Marcel Proust contains an estimated 9,609,000 characters (each letter counts as one character. Spaces are also counted, as one character each). The title translates to « Remembrance of Things Past ».

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Proust was raised in his father’s Catholic faith. He was baptized (on 5 August 1871, at the church of Saint-Louis d’Antin) and later confirmed as a Catholic, but he never formally practised that faith. He later became an atheist and was something of a mystic.

Proust’s work is revolutionary, and does not fit very easily into the literary traditions that preceded it; although Proust was an admirer of the great French realist novelists, Henri-Marie Stendhal and Gustave Flaubert in particular, his novel is not by any means a conventional realist novel.

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