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Study Abrought without IELTS/TOEFL

Study Abrought without IELTS/TOEFL..Studying in an abroad university usually requires students to take language proficiency tests to measure their ability to read, write, speak, and understand the English language. These tests form an essential parameter for admission to an abroad university, wherein a satisfactory score is a minimum requirement. Each school or university has its own pre-defined set of satisfactory marks that are required to be submitted along with the application.

Some students who are non-native English speakers find it difficult to attain satisfactory marks. Taking these tests repeatedly not only affects the motivation of the student, but it also proves to be an added expense in the study abroad list. Spending about $180 every time you take the test, only to get a low score will surely discourage you from applying further.

However, you can study abroad without IELTS or TOEFL. Most colleges consider IELTS and TOEFL as the foremost criteria for admissions abroad. There are also few universities in countries like Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, EU countries (except UK), Norway, Germany, Holland, USA, Malaysia, India where they do not lay down IELTS and TOEFL as a criteria for admission abroad. But still, you are advised to personally contact the university as most universities do not explicitly state that they don’t need language examination resultsWhat is the English Proficiency Certificate

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The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and IELTS ((International English Language Testing System) are tests designed to determine the speaking, reading and listening skills of the student in the English language. TOEFL is mostly used to get into American schools while IELTS is accepted by many schools in the United Kingdom.
A satisfactory score in these tests is the English language minimum entry requirement for admission into most universities in the world.
Almost every school has their own satisfactory TOEFL/IELTS score and almost every course in these schools requires a benchmark for international students’ qualification to study for that course.

While there are some abroad universities that don’t ask for TOEFL/IELTS test scores, others also grant admission to non-English speaking international students on the condition that they undertake other kinds of Proficiency Tests like the Intensive English Language Program (IELP).

Below is a list of countries with their universities that do not have a mandatory TOEFL/IELTS requirement.

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1. Study in Canada without IELTS

If you do not want to take the IELTS to study abroad, then Canada is the place for you. There are many universities where you can study without IELTS in Canada. Students are not required to submit the IELTS score if they have lived and attended a school, for at least four years, where the primary language is English. Some of the Canadian universities where you can study without IELTS are –

  • University of Winnipeg
  • University of Regina
  • Brock University
  • Concordia University
  • Carleton University

2. Study in Australia without IELTS

There are many universities in Australia that accept students without an IELTS/TOEFL score.

  • The University of Queensland
  • The University of Adelaide
  • The University of New South Wales
  • Macquarie University
  • Bond University
  • The University of South Australia
  • The University of Southern Queensland
  • Swinburne University of Technology

The University of Queensland gives you admission if you have completed a full-time course where English as your medium of instruction, or if you have worked in an English-speaking work environment for at least five years. The University of Adelaide and Macquarie University allow students only if they accept an English program before the commencement of the course.

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Bond University and The University of South Australia offer alternative tests, such as CAE, PTE. The University of Southern Queensland, Bond University and the Swinburne University of Technology also accept students whose secondary education’s medium of instruction was English.The University of Southern Queensland also suggests undertaking USQ pathway programs for admission to the university3. Study in the EU (except for the UK) without IELTS

There are a few universities in the European Union that allow international students to pursue their education without IELTS. However, students might have to submit some other proof of English language skills, such as –

  • Received education in English medium during the five most recent years of study and offered English as a first language at the IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) or O Level (Ordinary Level).
  • The student can prove prior education was in English. The university will conduct an interview via Skype or telephone to judge the language skills of the student.
  • The IELTS requirement is also waived off if the student wants to study at the same university from where they got their first degree.
  • Having a degree which has been solely taught in English

4. Study in the USA without IELTSInterestingly, few schools in the US are known to exempt students from certain countries from presenting English proficiency test scores. International students whose national language is English often don’t need to take the TOEFL/IELTS. It now becomes important for students seeking admission into their choice schools to check the websites of the schools and generally research deeply about the schools before applying. Researching your school makes the admission process easier and less complicated.
These are some of the schools in the US that do not require TOEFL/IELTS on certain conditions

  • The University of Wisconsin – the medium of study in the previous university should be English.
  • Drew University
  • Illinois State University
  • State University of New York – students will have to take the Intensive English Language Program (IELP) to be exempted from the IELTS or TOEFL requirement.
  • The University of Arkansas – students will have to take the Intensive English Language Program (IELP) to be exempted from the IELTS or TOEFL requirement.
  • The University of Dayton – the requirement is to undertake the Intensive English Language Program (IELP).
  • The University of New Orleans
  • The University of Iowa

5. Study in the EU without IELTS

Getting admission to the top universities or colleges in Europe without an English proficiency score will require international students to fulfill some criteria before they are exempted from providing these scores. A student showing some proficiency in English language can prove his eligibility by proving:

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  • One has been educated in English medium during the five most recent years of study and has offered English as a first language at the IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) or O level (Ordinary Level).
  • He/she has been able to prove that prior education was entirely conducted in English and that they have good communication skills. Usually, the school conducts interviews with the student via Skype or telephone to verify the student’s proficiency.
  • Applying to study in the same institution where the first degree was awarded.
  • Having a degree which has been taught solely in English.
  • Few schools in European countries such as Norway, Holland and Germany are known to offer the privilege of applying without IELTS.

6. Study in Germany without IELTS

College admission requirements in German Universities vary between universities. Usually students do not need a TOEFL or IELTS if they hold a bachelor’s degree with English as language of instruction or if their mother tongue is English. Some, universities just require letter from the student’s college to verify English Language Proficiency. There are specific language requirements for admission to different programs in Universities like Freie Universität Berlin. As a result,while some courses do not require English language proficiency, others do. The requirements for courses in English Philology for example, are met only if the language test is passed. Students are required to check the requirements of their courses in the desired university before they apply as they may be lucky to find some courses that are free from TOEFL/IELTS requirements.

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Written by peter

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