Adamawa Region

The Adamawa Region is a constituent region of the Republic of Cameroon. It borders the Centre and East regions to the south, the Northwest and West regions to the southwest, Nigeria to the west, the Central African Republic to the east, and the North Region to the north.

Adamawa Region

It is a mountainous region that marks the border between the Forest zone of south Cameroon and the savannah zone of north Cameroon. It is bordered to the west by Nigeria, east by the Central African Republic, south by the West, Centre and East regions.

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The Adamawa Region is also considered one of the main tourist destinations in Cameroon. It is situated on a plateau with an average altitude of 1 000 meters. Its numerous and marvellous lakes (such as the Mballang and Tison) and waterfalls (such as the Tello and Vina) make the Adamawa Region to be highly appreciated by tourists.

Country Cameroon
Capital Ngaoundéré
Divisions Djérem, Faro-et-Déo, Mayo-Banyo, Mbéré, Vina
 • Governor Kildadi Taguieke Boukar
 • Total 63,701 km2 (24,595 sq mi)
 • Total 1,200,970 

The Adamawa’s oldest populations were various Paleo-Sudanese peoples. These were mostly displaced or absorbed by invading Sudanese groups in the 8th or 9th century. These included the Mbum (Mboum), Ndoro (Dourou), Kutin, (Koutine), Laka-Mbere, Chamba, Doayo, FaliMundang (Moundang), and Tupuri (Toupouri).

The Kanem-Bornu Empire of Lake Chad had relations with these tribes. They called the area Fumbina or Mabina (a name that denoted the present province as well as territories in present-day Nigeria and the Central African Republic). The Kanem-Bornu also introduced Islam to the region between 1349 and 1385 by way of the Islamic centre at Kano in present-day Nigeria. However, no more than a few rulers, nobles or merchants ever converted.

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