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2020 GCE Results-Ordinary Advanced Level Cameroon [PDF]

2020 GCE Results-Ordinary Advanced Level Cameroon [PDF]The results of GCE 2020 Cameroon is being published on our website. GCE Results 2020 Cameroon for O Level and A Level Published General, Technical and ATC/ITC. Results of successful students released with grades in PDF …

Find your name for Cameroon GCE results 2020 PDF, results of successful candidates in order of merits at the GCE Ordinary Level O/L, Advanced Level A/L, Intermediate Technical Certificate ITC and Advanced Technical Certificate ATC. There have been lots of celebrations in some neighborhoods as well as languishing in others. Congratulations to all the students who made it and courage to those who failed for there is no better time to begin preparation again than now.

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Cameroon 2020 GCE results

The Cameroon GCE Results 2020 edition Cameroon General Certificate of Education Examination has been released this 2nd of October 2020. Results of successful candidates in order of merit. The results here reflect the students’ performance with all the grades at the GCE O/A General, O/A Technical and GCE ATC and ITC.

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The overall performance of the GCE results 2020 is not as bad as some predicted. The examination was supposed to take place from late may so that results shall be published early August.

The Cameroon General Certificate of Examination Board, GCE revealed that for the Cameroon GCE results 2020, a total number of 110,916 candidates registered for the examinations while 98,015 effectively wrote the examinations nationwide.

Statistics indicate that 66,846 passed recording a percentage pass rate of 74.24%

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According to the GCE board, there was an 11.97 percentage improvement in the general performance of the examination compared to last year. In 2018, the success rate stood at 62.27% and this year it has increased to 74.24%.

A-Levels and O-Levels Cameroon GCE results 2020  Pass Rates

The pass rate for Cameroon GCE results 2020 per level in the different examinations organised by the GCE board stands as follows:

  • Advanced Levels Generals = 78.36% pass
  • Advanced Levels Technical = 89.34% pass
  • Ordinary Levels Generals = 62.15% pass
  • Advanced Levels Technical = 67.34% pass

Individual performance

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The GCE board also revealed that 37 outstanding candidates scored 25 points out of the 25 available at the Advance Level with 5 A grades.

Get your Cameroon GCE Results 2020 June with complete grades just by one click in PDF download

GCE Results 2020 Cameroon for Ordinary and Advanced Level released complete with grades for General and Technical. GCE results 2020 Cameroon June published in PDF download.

Below is the complete result of the GCE Advanced Level:

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Complete GCE Ordinary Level Results

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Written by peter

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