
2021 Cambridge IGCSE Biology (9-1) (0970) Past Papers

2021 Cambridge IGCSE Biology Biology 9 1 0970 Past Papers

All 2021 Cambridge IGCSE Biology (9-1) (0970) Past Papers PDF free download and use for revision. IGCSE Biology (9-1) (0970) 2021 Question Papers, Marking Schemes, Grade Thresholds.

Cambridge IGCSE (9-1) Biology helps learners to understand the biological world in which they live and take an informed interest in science and scientific developments. The syllabus includes the basic principles and concepts that are fundamental to the subject, some current applications of biology, and a strong emphasis on practical skills.

What is IGCSE?

The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is a two-year programme leading to externally set, marked and certificated examinations from the University of Cambridge. Any student who takes an IGCSE subject will be gaining a qualification that is recognized globally.

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The IGCSE is similar to GCSE and is recognized in the United Kingdom as being equivalent to the GCSE for the purposes of recognizing prior attainment. It was developed by the University of Cambridge International Examinations. Students typically sit seven to nine subjects in one session at the end of Year 11.

Why Past exam papers are important

Administered effectively, past papers are the best way to prepare students for the experience of an examination. You can administer them throughout the school year to measure your learners’ progression and development.

They are also a great tool for measuring your students’ level of understanding and can identify any weaker subject areas, helping you guide your teaching in line with their needs. Use them alongside the mark schemes to help students become familiar with answering exam questions and meeting the assessment objectives.

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They provide valuable evidence for learning and can help to support conversations with students, parents and school leaders, particularly if they are concerned about the effects of time away from school.

June Session (Summer)

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