
Check and Download Cameroon GCE 2024 Results PDF O/A-Level Release

Complete Cameroon GCE Board 2024 Exam Results released for free checking and Downloading (Ordinary Level, Advanced Level, Commercial, and Technical)

The Results of the Cameroon GCE Examination (General Certificate of Education) are out or have been released in August 2024 by the GCE Board. You can now check these complete GCE results for free online in Cameroon.

When Will the Cameroon GCE 2024 Results be Out?

The complete 2024 GCE exam results are out and have been published today! The examination was supposed to take place in late May 2024. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Cameroon, the exams and hence the results were delayed.

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Kindly watch this tutorial video below about how to check and download the full Cameroon GCE Board Results for free in PDF:

As part of the strategies to curb the spread of the deadly virus in Cameroon, there was a disruption in the school calendar for almost one month. 

This meant that the academic year had to be readjusted, causing the GCE General Certificate Examination program to begin by the 29th of June 2024.

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Hence, the publication of the GCE Results in 2024 was delayed until early August 2024. We have published the complete and official results below as released by the Cameroon GCE Board.

Cameroon GCE Results 2024 General Statistics (Ordinary Level and Advanced Level)

The Cameroon General Certificate of Examination Board revealed that for the Cameroon GCE results in 2024, 111,816 candidates registered for the examinations while 99,015 effectively wrote the examinations nationwide.

Statistics indicate that 67,846 passed, recording a percentage pass rate of 72.24%

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According to the GCE board, there was a 10.87 percentage improvement in the examination’s general performance compared to last year. In GCE 2020, the success rate stood at 64.27%, and this year it has increased to 72.24%.

Advanced Levels and Ordinary Levels Cameroon GCE Results in 2024 Pass Percentage (From Exam Results)

The pass rate for Cameroon GCE results in 2024 per level in the different examinations organized by the GCE board stands as follows:

  • Advanced Level General Education Results (A-Level) = 79.36% pass
  • Advanced Level Technical/Commercial = 88.34% pass
  • Ordinary Level General Education Results (O-Level) = 63.15% pass
  • Ordinary Level Technical/Commercial = 68.34% pass

GCE Exam Individual performances

The GCE board also revealed that 27 outstanding candidates scored 25 points out of the 25 available at the Advanced Level with 5 A grades.

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Check, Download, and Get Your Cameroon GCE June 2024 Results With Published Grades For Free in PDF

Here are the official links to the complete Cameroon GCE Results 2024 in PDF for Ordinary Level (O-Level) and Advanced Level (A-Level). These results include the published grades for the General and Commercial/Technical education series as outlined below:

Download The Full GCE 2024 Exam Results (Free)

Make sure you visit the links above to check and download the respective results.

The Grading System of GCE results in Cameroon at the Ordinary and Advanced Levels.

Letter grades are used, and below is the grading system used by the Cameroon GCE board for the examinations it administers:

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  • GCE O Level Grading scale: A, B, C, D, E, U.

Letter grades A, B, and C represent a passing grade, with the A grade being the highest and the C grade being the lowest, and U (unclassified) representing a fail. Grades lower than C are not stated on the certificate.

  • GCE A Level Grading scale: A, B, C, D, E, O, or F.

Letter grades A, B, C, D, and E, represent a passing grade, with the A grade being the highest and the E grade being the lowest. An F (fail) is not a passing grade and is not stated on the certificate.

GCE 2024 Exam Levels and Eligibility

GCE means General Certificate Examination. This examination has worldwide acceptance and can be used for entry into any university in the world.

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GCE exams usually take place between May and June each year in Cameroon. Generally, in Cameroon, General Certificate Examinations are taken by two major sets of people.

The first set of candidates has carried out five years of preparation after living primary school, referred to as Ordinary Level student sitting for the O Level certificate. 

The second set of candidates has carried out two years of studies after obtaining the Ordinary Level certificate and are sitting in for Advance Level exams to obtain the A-Level Certificate.

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Overview of Cameroon GCE Board, Examinations and Results

The Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board, known as Cameroon GCE Board, is the public examination board responsible for setting examinations, marking them, and distributing results for Anglo-Saxon Cameroonian secondary school students at two stages: 

  • Stage 1: The GCE Ordinary Level (“O Level”), a subject-based qualification conferred as part of the General Certificate of Education, for students having completed a 5-year secondary education program, with students qualifying to sit the GCE O’ Level examinations. 
  • Stage 2: The GCE Advanced Level (“A Level”), another subject-based qualification conferred as part of the General Certificate of Education, as well as a school leaving qualification offered by the educational bodies and authorities to students completing secondary or pre-university education, for students having completed a 2-year High School education program, and who have previously sat and been successful in at least 4 GCE O’ Level subjects. GCE A’ Level examinations are written by upper sixth students.

The General Certificate of Education is a pure UK system of education adopted by Anglo-Saxon Cameroon.

In the 2015/16 academy year, about 182,416 candidates sat for both the GCE examinations in Cameroon with over 138,000 candidates for the O’ Level and 46,000 for the A’ Level examinations.

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Brief History of Cameroon GCE BOARD

The Cameroon GCE board was officially created in 1993, according to a book titled “The Cameroon GCE Crisis: A Test of Anglophone Solidarity.” 

The book says the creation of the board was spearheaded by Anglophone community groups, such as the Teachers’ Association of Cameroon (TAC), lead by Mr Peter Chateh; churches; Confederation of Anglophone Parents’ Teachers’ Association of Cameroon (CAPTAC), with other trade union groups also playing a pivot role in the creation of the board.

Cameroon GCE Board Building in Buea, Cameroon
Check and Download Cameroon GCE 2024 Results PDF O/A-Level Release

It took 10 years, from 1983 to October 1993, for a consensus to be reached by the aforementioned groups and the Government of Cameroon to create an examination board to award certificates to Anglophone Cameroonian students.

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Before the Cameroon GCE board came into existence in 1993, certificates were awarded to Anglophone Cameroonian students by the General Certificate of Education in the UK. It was a Trust Territory under British administration (known as British Cameroons) from 1922 to 1961.

Guidelines To Prepare For GCE Exams In Cameroon (Ordinary Level and Advanced Level) – How to Succeed in 9 Simple Ways.

Trust me when I say GCE O-Levels and A-Levels are really simple to ace. I got straight As for O-Levels, and it was not much of a challenge, to be honest.

What you have to do to succeed in your GCE Exam is as follows:

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  1. Study 2 to 3 subjects a day. I bet you will remember stuff better. Content is a breeze.
  2. Have a timetable and stick to it.
  3. Never study on your bed or anywhere near it.
  4. Listen to classical music once in a while. Just make sure there are no lyrics whatsoever.
  5. Use diagrams to help me understand better.
  6. When you are trying to memorize, read through once, read and take notes by hand the following time, and lastly, close your book and try to write what you just learned.
  7. Another great way to score is to memorize answering techniques.
  8. Never refer to the answer sheet until you’ve completed the entire paper.
  9. Just before the exam, read through the notes once.


When GCE results are released in Cameroon, it is another showdown of students’ performances at both the Ordinary Level and Advanced Level.

The Release of Cameroon GCE Exam results is one of the most awakening moment in the country, as it brings to light the reality of the effort put in place by students, and enable them to see if their hard work was rewarded or if it was not good enough in the course of their preparation.

Sincere congratulations to the students who have scored PASS results in the latest released GCE results 2024. For those who did not make it, I encourage you to prepare well for the General Certificate of Education Board exam and double your effort to obtain better scores in the forthcoming GCE Exams in 2024. 

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EspaceTutos - Avec plus de 5 000 000 d'impressions par mois, espacetutos s’inscrit comme l’un des acteurs principaux dans le paysage des médias academiques en Afrique francophone. Pour vous renseigner sur une campagne budgétisée, merci de nous contacter à l’adresse suivante: [email protected] ou par tétéphone au numéro +237 6 79 77 51 39. Soyez les premiers à être informé.

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